As soon as you start eliminating particular foods from your diet, a desire for them usually develops. Next thing you know, you're caving and overindulging in the sweet, salty, and savory goodies in the pantry.
Although food cravings can be annoying, you don't have to give into them. Quit sabotaging your gains by giving in to your cravings.
So what’s causing these pesky cravings?
Food cravings are influenced by the parts of the brain that are in charge of memory, pleasure, and reward. The majority of food cravings are related to highly appealing, processed foods that activate the reward centers of the brain.
Food cravings frequently stem from habits, emotions, and changes in brain and body chemistry rather than lacking nutritional requirements.
What’s the difference between hunger and cravings?
Hunger is a physical response to lacking nutrients (stomach growling, dizziness), while
cravings are a psychological response to types of foods, tastes and textures.
You need to ask yourself, are you hungry or just craving something?
Your body has a natural response to the hunger hormone Ghrelin…not gremlin….
Ghrelin is released around the same time you’d typically have a meal. This is your brain telling you “I’m hungry!” even if you’re not actually needing caloric intake. This is where those pesky cravings kick in.
Here are a few strategies to keep hunger down
Prioritize foods with higher volume and lower calories
Drink a lot of water before eating, and eat slower
Stay away from liquid calories
Prioritize your protein intake with every meal so that you fuller longer
Reduce the amount of high palatable food you eat.