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Causes, risks, and treatments for alcohol abuse in men

Statistics reveal that men are more likely than women to abuse drugs and alcohol.

Men are much more likely than women to become addicted, and drug-related hospital admissions are much more common among men.

The harsh numbers, however, fall short of illustrating the extensive mental and physical effects of addiction.

Here, we examine the reality of male alcohol and drug abuse, as well as possible causes and strategies you can take to avoid becoming an addict.

Addiction: What is it?

Addiction is the inability to stop using a substance, regardless of the consequences to your health, finances, emotional wellbeing, or the problems it causes for people around you.

So even if there isn't necessarily physical dependence, psychological dependence is the strong need to keep using the drug. For instance, alcohol is a drug that can lead to both physical and mental dependence.

Genetics is now recognized to play a significant influence in drug and alcohol addiction.

Addiction: What causes it?

Naturally, not everyone who drinks alcohol is an addict. Many individuals use alcohol to feel better, reduce stress, or escape from their daily life. Addiction, on the other hand, is when this ceases to be a choice and instead becomes a compulsion.

Addiction affects people from all walks of life, regardless of their social status, past experiences, or philosophical convictions. Age, medical history, environment, and genetics can all influence whether someone develops an addiction. Additionally, certain chemicals are more addictive than others.

Why are men more likely to develop an addiction?

Nearly 22% of men claim that they binge on eight drinks, on average, five times per month, making them almost twice as likely as women to do so.

Men may be more prone to alcoholism, drug addiction, and other behavioral health issues for a number of reasons, including:

1. Men are more tolerant of substance abuse than women are.

Men may be more inclined to perceive excessive drinking or drug use as rites of passage or to exhibit these behaviors in order to blend in with their peers.

2. Men express mental health problems differently than women.

When men have poor mental health, they are more likely to exhibit externalizing symptoms like aggression and substance misuse. Gender disparities in support, coping, and socialization behaviors may be the root of these problems.

3. Men are more inclined to give in to pressure from their peers.

Men's alcohol abuse and addiction have regularly been shown to be significantly influenced by peer pressure, especially in late adolescence and early adulthood.

4. Men may be more likely than women to feel unsupported.

Men may not feel like they have anyone they can confide in, or they may feel like they have to "man up" and put on a brave face rather than expressing their emotions.

5. Men are less likely to request assistance.

According to studies, males are less likely than women to seek help for a common mental health issue.. As a result, they can be more prone to utilizing alcohol or other drugs as a coping method.

What actions can you take to fight addiction?

The root causes of addiction and substance usage are intricate, frequently involving many variables. It's critical to seek assistance if you discover that you need to use a substance daily or more frequently than you would want, if you see that you aren't caring for yourself the same way, or if you realize that you spend the majority of your time obtaining, using, or recuperating from a substance.

Addiction doesn't have to be part of you, though, and there are concrete actions you can take to stop it before it gets out of hand.

1. Find different, healthy coping mechanisms.

Finding a coping mechanism that works for you is crucial because everyone handles life's stresses in various ways. Find a substitute that improves your mood over the long term rather than just giving you a temporary high, whether it's writing, painting, talking to a friend, or exercising.

2. Find your passion.

Discovering a passion that inspires you and gets you out of bed in the morning can give a welcome distraction, whether it's training, volunteering for a cause you care about, or learning a new skill.

3. Engage in self-care.

Even though you might not always feel like it, maximizing your nutrient intake with plenty of lean proteins, vegetables, and healthy fats can make you considerably more motivated to look after your health. Unsaturated fats, like those found in fatty fish, almonds, and avocados, have a favorable impact on hormonal balance, which can dramatically enhance mood [13], [14].

4. Make a move.

The best highs are almost always genuine, cliche as it may sound. Keeping active generates feel-good endorphins without a comedown, whether it's resistance training, playing a team sport, or even just strolling.

5. Get in touch

It's critical that you get the support you need if you have concerns about your substance use or no longer feel in control of it. A list of important contacts and help lines can be found at the end of this article.

There is little doubt that men are more likely than women to misuse alcohol and other drugs. Men may use alcohol or drugs for a variety of reasons, but doing so can have serious, long-lasting impacts on their physical and mental health.

Preventing addiction from forming before it's too late requires learning alternate coping mechanisms and engaging in self-care. However, seeking assistance if you're still having trouble isn't a sign of weakness.

If you're worried about your alcohol or drug use, you can get in touch with an organization below;


National Helpline is a free, confidential, 24/7, 365-day-a-year treatment referral and information service (in English and Spanish)

Alcoholics Anonymous

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